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Join us for HOA Meetings!

Held the 4th Tuesday of each month  7:00pm at the Clubhouse

School District: Montgomery County Public Schools

Elementary: Brown Station

Middle: Lakelands Park

High: Quince Orchard


Visitor Parking Guidelines

​Includes a map of the  Visitor parking spaces located throughout Bennington!

(highlighted in yellow)


Bennington Parking Brochure_edited.jpg

Important Phone Numbers

Animal Control  (301) 258-6343


B&B Trash  (301) 424-1427


Bulk Trash  (301) 258-6370


Child Abuse/Neglect  (240) 777-4417


Domestic Violence Hotline  (240) 777-4357


Gaithersburg Police (non emergency)  (301) 258-6400


Gaithersburg Recycling  (301) 258-6370​


Pepco Customer Service  (202) 833-7500


Pepco Outage  1-877-737-2662


Public Works  (301) 258-6370


WSSC Customer Service  (301) 206-9772


WSSC Emergency  (301) 206-4002


Millers Towing Co. (301) 602-0392

Spot Crime

SpotCrime is a public facing crime map and crime alert service. Their goal is to provide the most accurate and timely crime information to the public.


View Crime Map Here


Stay Connected!

Email our administrator at

to have your email added to our private listserv.

Administrator Office Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 11:30 am

Tuesday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Thursday 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Need to report an outage?

Contact Pepco HERE.


Pepco has a mobile app as well as other ways to stay engaged on their Contact Us page.


Do you rely on electricity to power life-support equipment in your home? Pepco has a notification program you will want to know about!


Emergency Medical Equipment Notification Program


Use this form to apply!

If you see water where it's not supposed to be, please contact WSSC to report it!

Questions about trash pick up? Contact B&B here.

Please review Trash Guidelines




A private Facebook group specifically for Bennington Families to meet one another in the hopes that we will be able to set-up playdates, find walking partners, ask for and share advice, and help share kid friendly activities and events happening in the MoCo area. Click here to join.

Recycling is picked up

every Friday.

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